
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.

Episode 10 released of 研究 戦隊 ポッドキャスト レンジャー - Kenkyuu Sentai Podcast Rangers

I’ve been working on a podcast about Power Rangers and Super Sentai for a few months now, and I’m having a blast working on it. Episode ten is out now, and I think it’s the best one we’ve released so far. If you’d like to listen to the audio version, you can subscribe to Kenkyuu Sentai Podcast Rangers from New Ellijay Television. We post transcripts, but they’re delayed by about two weeks. You can find KSPR Transcripts on New Ellijay Television. If you’d like to watch the video version, which is much better, it’s embedded here:

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Status Update - May 22nd

Hi All! It’s been a while since I had the chance to sit down and write a blog post. I’ve been incredibly busy. That’s a weird thing to hear after one of my recent posts (well, if you can call October of 2023 recent) talks about how I’ll be blogging a lot more consistently, since I don’t have a dayjob. Since then, a lot has happened! This blog post is a breif status update and rundown of my last six months or so. I’ll follow it up with some more detailed looks at some of the things that have happened in that time, each in their own post, and then probably wrap things up with a forward looking post about the future. Should be fun!

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