
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.

Flash Gordon (1954)

Flash Gordon was a TV series for the 1954-1955 season, produced in west Berlin. The series was direct to syndication throughout many parts of the US, and specifically aired on the east coast on the DuMont Television Network. The show is now in the public domain, and about half the episodes produced are available on home video. Today, I present an episode we captured that is not available on home video

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Space Command (1953) with James Doohan

I have made no secret of my love of Space Patrol, and in fact I’ve spent dozens of hours over the last year digitizing episodes of Space Patrol which I have spoken about several times on various social media platforms. Space Patrol isn’t the only neat forgotten 50s Sci-Fi show, though. Today, I want to share an episode of, and spill a few bits about, one that doesn’t get talked about often, which gave us the first screen apperance of Star Trek’s Scotty!

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High Definition Television in 1949

Alright, so I’ve gone down a weird rabbit hole looking in to early high definition video, and I am getting way too in to this (like, getting ready to spend some money even) so before I do that I want to capture my findings here (and share them with fellow video nerds.)

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Downloading 78s from the Internet Archive

I’m leaving this as a note for myself, so that I can refer to it in the future, but it might help other people too. I’m downloading a large quantitiy of rips of 78 RPM records from the internet archive’s Great 78 Project (for a project that I’ll discuss later) and I want to ensure that I only get the “The preferred versions suggested by an audio engineer at George Blood, L.P. [which] have been copied to have […] more friendly filenames.”

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