
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.

Bandcamp Friday

It’s Bandcamp Friday! That means bandcamp is giving 100% of revenue to bands! I’m a big fan of DIY media, so I wanted to take a moment to recommend some of my favorite albums on bandcamp. This list is not comprehensive, these are just some things I’ve been jamming to latetly.

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Public Domain Day 2022

Happy New Year! January 1st is Public Domain day in the United States. All film, books, poetry, photos, and scores originally published in 1926 are now in the Public Domain in the US. Additionally, and significantly, this year marks the first time that any Audio Recordings have entered the public domain. You, and all Americans, now own more than 400,000 of these historic recordings. What does it all mean? And which works are in the public domain now?

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Making Toys

For the last several weeks, as we wait on the final clearance to open the Ellijay Makerspace, I have been making toys. We’re 3D printing original characters in resin using an elegoo mars, and then making a latex mold and casting duplicates in resin. Everything gets packaged in original cardbacks, made with recycled chipboard and resealable bubbles. You can see some of the toys we’ve made so far, at least the ones that are currently available for purchase, on Mountain Town Toys.

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Peertube Video Roundup

Peertube is an open source, decentralized, federated alternative to youtube and twitch. You can upload videos to any peertube instance, and subscribe to accounts from most other instances. You can also live stream. This is really cool, and a great place to find some DIY Media.

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