
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.

Angband: Gaming like it's 1980

Angband is a sprawling rogue-like adventure game that has been under steady development since some point in the 80s. It’s massive, ugly, difficult, and a great way to lose an entire weekend. Simply put, it’s one of the most intense, difficult RPGs that you’ll ever encounter.

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Silent Cinema: There it is! (1928)

After my disapointment with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I decided to look for something a little stranger. What I found was There It Is! It’s a 1928 sureal, absurdist commedy, that’s pretty heavy on Special Effects and stop-motion animation. It’s weird and wacky, and remarkably well done. Far more well executed than many of it’s contemporaries. You gotta check it out.

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Silent Cinema: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)

A few days ago, I posted an article about using Jekyll to power this website. I used a still from the 1920 adaptation of Jekyll and Hyde to illustrate the post, because it’s in the public domain and marginally related. As the film was already on my radar, and I had an hour and a half to spare, I chose to watch the movie last night. It wasn’t horrible, but it had some flaws, and doesn’t live up to the atmosphere of the fantastic poster. You’re welcome to watch it yourself, and read my impressions, below.

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How to Fix Content Discovery

First, let’s introduce the problem in terms that really drive it home: Every hour, more than 2 years of video content is added to youtube. If you were to start watching right now, and didn’t take a break to sleep for the next 2 years, you’d be able to watch all the videos that had been uploaded in the last hour. Obviously this is more content than could reasonably be proccessed in any meaningful way, and there will be two more years worth in an hour. How is anything new supposed to get discovered in that overwhelming miasma of, mostly, crap?

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