
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.

Social Networking for the 90s.

As I mentioned in a recent post, I have started using a Gateway Handbook 486 as part of my daily workflow. It’s a little DOS laptop that you can read more about in my previous post. One of my favorite things about using this machine has been Social Media. This post is about how I’m interacting with Social Media and Blogs from a DOS laptop, and how you can apply the same techniques to your life for fun and profit.

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Blogging at 19200 baud

I recently acquired a Gateway Handbook 486. It’s a tiny DOS laptop released in 1994. Tiny might be the wrong word. It’s the largest DOS machine I own (after my HP 200LX and my Prolinear Palmbook 386), but it’s Tiny compared to other laptops of the day, and especially laptops with a 486. I used it to write this post. header.jpg

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Feature Film Friday - Nancy Drew Reporter

It’s friday! That means it’s time for movies! At least that’s what it means this week, who knows if that’s what it will mean next week! Today’s movie is called Nancy Drew, Reporter. It was released in 1939, and it’s a fun, rollicking romp. nancyuntitled.jpg

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Feature Film Friday - Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven

It’s friday! That means it’s time for movies! At least that’s what it means this week, it is clearly not what it meant last week, and who knows if that’s whatit will mean next week! Today’s movie is called Texas, Brooklyn, and Heaven. It was released in 1948, and it’s a delightful slice of a movie.

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