
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.

Public Domain Day 2020!

It’s January 1st, and for the second time in recent memory, it’s public domain day in the US. That means that dozens of works from 1924 have now entered the public domain. Let’s run through a few things that were released in 1924, and talk about what you can do with them now.

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More Public Domain Movies I watched in 2019

A few weeks ago, I wrote about all the Public Domain movies I watched on my home media server in 2019, with links to where you could watch them all yourself. Today I’m finishing that list off with the rest of the Public Domain movies I watched in 2019 (which means, mostly, the stuff I watched on my phone, or on a plane, or in a car, or just didn’t download for whatever reason.) This list is a little less complete, because I had to do it from memory, but there’s some good stuff in here and I think it’ll be useful. Let’s get to it.

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Almost Silent Cinema - Vampyr (1932)

Last night I watched Vampyr, a kind of Ambient horror film from 1932. I’m still processing it, and there’s a lot to unpack. Read some of my thoughts, and watch it for yourself here.

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Silent Cinema: Our Hospitality

I couldn’t sleep last night (noticing a trend this week?) so I decided to watch Buster Keaton’s 1923 silent take on the Hatfields and the McCoys. You can watch it yourself, and read a short review here.

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