Blogging from the Kindle Fire
I got a Kindle Fire HD for myself from Amazon. It’s a little 7” tablet, with Amazon’s off-brand Android. Why would I do this to myself? well, it was $25, refurbished, so that helps.
I'm Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.
I got a Kindle Fire HD for myself from Amazon. It’s a little 7” tablet, with Amazon’s off-brand Android. Why would I do this to myself? well, it was $25, refurbished, so that helps.
When I was a kid, I’d read a book every two days (or sometimes, more.) I’m not positive, because I wasn’t keeping track, but I don’t think I read more than 10 books last year, or the year before. This, obviously, is unacceptable. So, being the good little tech user that I am, I’ve turned to a technical solution.
Earlier this week, congress voted to remove the ability of the FCC to prevent your Internet Service Provider from spying on you, and selling your data. Your ISP sees every website you connect to, and all unencrypted web traffic. Now they can sell that data to whoever they want. This is some bullshit, and now we have to band together to minimize the information leak. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself:
I have expressed my love of Star Trek, and of DIY Media on several occasions. I’m particularly fond of the weird monstrosity that is Star Trek: The Animated Series. A few years back, a Star Trek fan series called Starship Farragut released some animated episodes of their own. They are every bit as wacky, weird, and wonderful as their inspiration.